WitchEmoji is the #1 selling iMessage sticker pack for all of your witchy needs. It contains witches, spell craft objects, familiars, and magic symbols in a variety of skin tones and colors. Let WitchEmoji help make your texts more magical.
Phantasmaphile is the fantastical arts and culture blog that Pam has maintained since 2005. Internationally beloved by a devoted audience, it features artists, exhibitions, books, films, and interviews that celebrate the relationship between creativity and magic.
Language of the Birds: Occult and Art Exhibition at NYU, 2016
The Witching Hour is a 5-part video essay on witches in cinema for Film Society of Lincoln Center’s Film Comment blog. Parts 2-5 can be viewed here. Mature content.
The Occult Humanities Conference at NYU, October 13-15, 2017 – co-organizer, co-host, and panel moderator
The Occult Humanities Conference at NYU, February 5-7, 2016 – co-organizer, co-host, and panelist
The Occult Humanities Conference at NYU, October 18-20, 2013 – co-organizer, co-host, and presenter
Night of the Witch at City Gallery Wellington, NZ (remote), 2017
Witch as Muse at the Seligmann Center, Sugar Loaf, NY, 2017
Witch Pictures presentation at WITCHES art exhibition at SEPTEMBER Gallery, Hudson, NY, 2017
Dead of Winter: Cinema of the Occult film festival at The Brattle, Boston. Co-curation, panel, and What Is A Witch presentation, 2017
Witch Pictures presentation at Ghostly Intimations evening, Alice Austen House, Staten Island, 2016
Witch Pictures presentation at The Esoteric Book Conference, Seattle, 2016
Green Witch: Plant Magic, Alchemy, and the Wild Feminine event with Robin Rose Bennett at The Alchemist’s Kitchen, 2016
Night Flight: ‘What Is A Witch’ Book Party at Catland, with Atlas Obscura, 2016
Our Lady Lecture Soiree, Atlas Obscura, 2016
Magick Making: Art as Occult Practice lecture at Morbid Anatomy Museum’s Festival of Arcane Knowledge, 2016
Witch Pictures: Female Magic and Transgression in Western Art lecture at the Seligmann Center, Sugar Loaf, NY, 2016
Spirit Art Symposium: Spiritualism and Western Art, Lily Dale, NY, 2015
IDIO Gallery: Panel on Art and the Occult with Pam Grossman, Jesse Bransford, and Max Razdow, Brooklyn, NY, 2015
Witches, Bitches, Hags & Whores: Crafting the Wyrd Woman lecture at Slutist’s Legacy of the Witch Festival, Brooklyn, NY, 2015
Witch Pictures: Female Magic and Transgression in Western Art lecture as part of the I:MAGE esoteric art conference at the Warburg Institute, London, UK, 2014
She Sees Visions: The Magical Female in Western Art lecture at Lily Dale, NY, 2014
Witch Pictures: Female Magic and Transgression in Western Art lecture as part of The Night of the Witch with Christina Oakley Harrington at the META Center, NYC, 2014
Art as a Spell: Resacralizing Urban Space at the Occult Humanities Conference 2013, NYU
The Occult in Modern Art 101 lecture at Observatory and The Esoteric Book Conference 2012, Seattle
Winter Solstice Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Samhain/All-Soul’s Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Autumn Descent and the Eleusinian Mysteries: A Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Moon Magick Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Spellcrafting with the 7 Elements Workshop, Observatory
Witches’ Thanksgiving Autumn Equinox Workshop, Observatory
Full Moon Fire Magick Workshop, Observatory
Water Magick Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Heart Magick Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Summer Solstice Ritual Workshop, Observatory
Art Workings Panel with Susan L. Aberth, Jesse Bransford and William Breeze for Language of the Birds: Occult and Art exhibition at NYU’s 80WSE Gallery
The Language theatrical performance, written by Matthew Freeman, for Language of the Birds: Occult and Art exhibition at NYU’s 80WSE Gallery
Decadence, Symbolism, and Rock and Roll’s Occult Imagination: An Illustrated Talk by Peter Bebergal, Presented by Phantasmaphile at Morbid Anatomy Museum
Botanica Erotica: Aphrodisiac Love Potions – A Workshop with Herbalist Kate Temple-West
Painted Alchemists: Thomas Wijck at the Intersection of Art, Science, & Practice with Elisabeth Berry-Drago
The Secret History of Positive Thinking with Mitch Horowitz
Music the Dead Can Hear: Sound, Symbol, and the Occult in Luigi Russolo’s Art of Noises
Jesse Bransford: Building the Fourth Pyramid – An Occult Installation in Galveston
Real Magic: The Life and Methods of Neville Goddard – A presentation by Mitch Horowitz
Adventures in Limbo: The Neither-Neither World of Austin Osman Spare (and Abraxas 3 US Launch!) with Robert Ansell of Fulgur Esoterica
Apocalypse Now? The Lure of Nostradamus in Modern Times with Stephane Gerson
Natural Perfume Blending Workshop with Julianne Zaleta (multiple dates)
Dawn’s Left Hand: The Art of Ithell Colquhoun and Mid-20th Century British Occulture with Amy Hale
Magic Circles in the Grimoire Tradition with William Kiesel of Ouroboros Press
Symbols & Spells with Judika Illes
Terrarium Making Workshop with Twig Terrariums
Occult New York Walking Tour with Mitch Horowitz (recurring)
Occult Bloodlines: Sex with Fairies, the Celtic Faith, and the Nephilim with Maja D’Aoust
Observatory’s Lunar-themed 3rd Anniversary Fundraising Party
Winter Solstice Ritual Celebration with Robin Rose Bennett
Cocktail Alchemy with Julianne Zaleta (multiple dates)
Tarot Practicum with Kathy Biehl
Moonshot Magazine’s “Secret Issue” Reading and Release Party
The Magic of Magic Squares with Jesse Bransford
Bohemian Occult Subculture in Britain’s 1890s with Treadwell’s Christina Oakley Harrington
Manly P. Hall and the Secret Teachings of All Ages with Mitch Horowitz
Anima, Animus, Animate: Exploring Masculine and Feminine Archetypes Through the Tarot
Plant Medicine: An Initiation into an Alchemist’s Art with Kate Temple-West
From Baphomet to Marlene Dietrich: Transversing the Boundless with Frater Puck
The Kabbalistic Mirror of Genesis with David Chaim-Smith
Art and Alchemy with Ann McCoy
Mediumship in History and Today with Paul Selig and Mitch Horowitz
Observatory’s 2nd Anniversary Valentine Phantasia Fundraiser Party
The Secret History of the Ouija Board with Mitch Horowitz
The Book of Symbols: Reflections of Archetypal Images with ARAS curator Ami Ronnberg
Haunted Houses: Photographs and Recordings with Corinne May Botz
Nomad Codes: Adventures in Modern Esoterica with Erik Davis
BEYOND BIBA Film Screening
Surrealism and Women Artists with Professor Susan Aberth
“The Beautiful Experience” with Judith Schaechter
Come to Your Senses: An Evening with Kóan Jeff Baysa, M.D.
Chasing the Syncretic Tradition: Pulling Back the Curtain on the Visible World with Martin Bland
Women in Freemasonry with Professor Susan Aberth
Shamanic Ritual with Itzhak Beery
Coincident Monsters with Daniel A. Rabuzzi and Deborah Mills
Occult America with Mitch Horowitz
Borders & Bridges: Guided Tours of Human Wonder with Jeff Hoke and Clint Marsh
For the Next 7 Generations – The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers Film Screening
Alchemy, Art, and the Realm of the Imaginary with Brian Cotnoir
Layered Orders: Crowley’s Thoth Deck and the Tarot with Jesse Bransford
MIRROR HORROR with Trinie Dalton
I’m a graduate of Robin Rose Bennett’s Green Witch Herbal Apprenticeship, and a lifelong practitioner. I’m available for consultations, spell crafting, and ritual work. Please contact me if interested.